Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tourism Debate Natural Resource Perspective -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Tourism Debate Natural Resource Perspective? Answer: Introduction: Tourism management, a crucial part of event management involves destination planning management along with management of transport and accommodation. A successful event management involves analyzing the brand, identification of the target audience, evaluating the event concept and coordination of the technical aspects before launching the actual event. In this report, detailed event management analysis of Sydneys Local Sports event, which is known as Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor Double Bay has been performed. This report includes analysis of the positive and negative impacts of the mentioned event along with the evolution of the various aspects of its operational management. The sole purpose of this analysis is to determine the degree of the success of the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay. Positive and negative impact of the event Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay is a popular event. Every year, during the summer months, a huge number of pilgrims and visitors gather at the Sydney Harbor for yacht racing. This event does impose both positive as well as negative impact on both the visitors and the environment of Sydney. When it comes to positive impact of the event, some of the major positive impacts are: Effect on tourism: Being a highly popular event, Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay attracts a lot of tourists. Being highly entertaining sports, the number of visitors in Sydney Harbor during the summer months are uncountable. This phenomenon, in turn, imposes a positive impact on the income of the Sydney Tourism. Effect on Locals: The above mention event is also beneficial for the locals of the Sydney Harbor. Considering the fact that more than 100 boats are used for each round of competition, several numbers of crews are required to manage the boats (Hunter 2012). Therefore, this event also provides financial support to the locals y proving them with an occupation. Effect on the Society: Being a recreational and entertaining event, the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay attracts a lot of local people along with the pilgrims. This in turn creates a social bondage between individuals and helps in improving socialization of the community. In spite of the above mentioned positive impacts of the above mentioned event, several economics of negative impact of the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay on the environment of Sydney have been found. Effect on the water body: It has been found that heavily trafficked waterways like that of the Sydney Harbor impose a highly negative and noticeable impact on the water (Whitfield and Becker 2014). Due to the presence of large number of yachts in the water body, the growth of algae and increased amount of sediments gets accelerated, which in turn obstruct the sunlight resulting in spoiling the water. Effect on aquatic life: Excessive boating on the surface of the water body also imposes noticeable negative impact on the life of the aquatic animals. One of the chief reasons behind this phenomenon is the leaching of chemicals in the water body that are used during cleaning, protecting and running the watercrafts. These chemicals not only weaken the immunity of the aquatic animals but also kill the wildlife. Besides that, all the aquatic plants and animals have specific requirements of sunlight exposure, temperature and pH levels (Jones 2014). All these factors got hampered due to excessive boat or yacht sailing during the above mentioned event. After analyzing both the positive as well as the negative aspect of the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay, it can be understood that the event should be conducted in an eco friendly way which involves regular maintenance of the boats and yachts as well as introduction of eco conscious boats and yachts that are less prone to leak (Buckley 2012). Besides that, the number of yachts and boats should be controlled for each round of the competition. Evaluation of the aspects of the operational management Operational management of an event may be defined as the administration of the various event practices in order to create the highest level of efficiency and success of the event. Operational management of the above mentioned events includes logistics management. In order to deliver the desired result of an event, it is very crucial to have a strong logistic management (Nikolaou, Evangelinos and Allan 2013). Logistics management involves proper scheduling and monitoring of the event, confirming the budget of the event and logistical program detailing. The evaluation of the aspects of the operational management of the above mentioned event is performed with the help of principle of sustainability and the triple bottom line approach. According to the principle of sustainability, event management should incorporate concerns for environmental, economic and social issues (Knightley and Crawford 2013). Sustainable event management includes decisions taken by the event managers that are socially and environmentally responsible. All levels of the event from planning, organization and implementation of a sustainably developed event should incorporate the principles of Sustainability. Considering the fact that events involve gathering of a vast amount of individual, this phenomenon imposes a potential negative impact on the air, water, soil, resources and dwellers of that area (Doppelt 2017). Therefore, developing an event obeying the principles of sustainability not only minimize the potential hazards but also encourages the involvement of a lot of stakeholders. The Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay is following the sustainability principles in order to achieve the following benefits. Financial benefits: Considering the fact that conservation of energy, reduction of wastes, consumption of less product results in decrement of the event management cost, the event organizer of the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay are investing on sustainable tools like eco friendly yachts and boats in order to enjoy both immediate and long term financial advantages (Henriques and Richardson 2013). Positive reputation: Since the event organizers are implementing the principles of sustainability it will impose a positive impact on the stakeholders and therefore will attract more participants. Social benefits: The Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay is also providing social benefits by encouraging local investment, creating job opportunities and promoting socialization. According to the information collected from the management of the event, it has been known that the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor-Double Bay event organizers are implementing the following steps in order to incorporate sustainability principles. Preparation of action plans Allocation of sufficient resource that involves incorporating eco friendly boats and yachts and usage of eco friendly chemicals. Formation of a core Sustainability team which chiefly involves internal employees, sponsors and suppliers. Development of a communication plan Monitoring and reporting The Triple bottom line approach can be defined as a frame work of three parts, namely social, environmental and financial approach (Govindan, Khodaverdi and Jafarian 2013). While in conventional business the terms bottom line refer to profit or loss, in the triple bottom line approach these two terms are associated with social and environmental concern. This approach can be used in order to assess the overall success of the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay. Assessment of the financial impact Considering the fact that the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay is a highly popular event in Sydney, the financial impact of this event on the tourism of the country is positive. Moreover, since event organizers of the event are giving priority to include sustainability principles, the popularity of the above mentioned event has risen (Gimenez, Sierra and Rodon 2012). More sponsors are showing interest and the number of participants has also increased. However, a considerable amount of money is invested to bring this change, the event organizers are expecting a high financial outcome in the following years. Assessment of the Social impact It has already been stated that the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay imposes a positive impact on the society since it not only enhances social interaction but also improves both physical and mental health of the attendees. Assessment of the Environmental impact In spite of the fact that the mentioned event had several issues which were creating environmental hazards, it has been reported that the event organizers are implementing new strategies to ensure environmental safety. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay event will surely gain success in future due to the implementation of sustainable event development strategies. The implemented strategies will not only ensure the increment of participants but will also ensure environmental development. Finally, it can be understood from analyzing the operational management of the event that the Twilight Racing on Sydney Harbor- Double Bay event will bring prosperity to the tourism industry of Sydney in near future. Reference List Buckley, R., 2012. Sustainable tourism: Research and reality.Annals of Tourism Research,39(2), pp.528-546. Doppelt, B., 2017.Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge. Gimenez, C., Sierra, V. and Rodon, J., 2012. Sustainable operations: Their impact on the triple bottom line.International Journal of Production Economics,140(1), pp.149-159. Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R. and Jafarian, A., 2013. A fuzzy multi criteria approach for measuring sustainability performance of a supplier based on triple bottom line approach.Journal of Cleaner Production,47, pp.345-354. Henriques, A. and Richardson, J. eds., 2013.The triple bottom line: Does it all add up. Routledge, pp.12-45 Hunter, C., 2012. Aspects of the sustainable tourism debate from a natural resources perspective.Sustainable tourism. A global perspective, accounting.3-23. Jones, M., 2014.Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Knightley, P. and Crawford, R.M., 2013.Australia. Random House, pp. 234-322 Nikolaou, I.E., Evangelinos, K.I. and Allan, S., 2013. A reverse logistics social responsibility evaluation framework based on the triple bottom line approach.Journal of Cleaner Production,56, pp.173-184. Whitfield, A.K. and Becker, A., 2014. Impacts of recreational motorboats on fishes: a review.Marine pollution bulletin,83(1), pp.24-31.

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